100% brand new quality
About this product
Made with Pure Organic Ceylon Cinnamon: Ceylon cinnamon supplement, made with pure and natural ingredients, is a powerful antioxidant and contains no GMOs. Aids in weight management, helps relieve joint pain, and acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory supplement.
SOURCED DIRECTLY FROM Ceylon (Sri Lanka): Our pure cinnamon ingredient comes directly from Ceylon (Sri Lanka), hence the name Ceylon cinnamon, also known as true cinnamon or cinnamon bark. The Ceylon cinnamon powder used is of the highest quality and is in high demand, so it is more expensive than regular Cassia cinnamon. No stearates or artificial ingredients.
Safer Than Cinnamon: When shopping for cinnamon supplements, always look for CEYLON Cinnamon. This is the most effective and safest cinnamon supplement available. Alternative to Cassia cinnamon (also commonly known as common cinnamon), which can be toxic when taken as a supplement or in large doses over a long period of time.
Trustworthy – Our world-class customer service wants you to be satisfied with your purchase. no risk. Have this all-in-one antioxidant supplement and health protector.
كبسولات القرفة السيلانية - المفاصل ، العظام ، المضادة للالتهابات ، مضادات الأكسدة ، دعم أيض الجلوكوز ، تنظم مستويات السكر في الدم
8,28€ – 22,08€
رمز المنتج: 1005005235192359
التصنيفات: الصحة و الجمال, منتجات صحية
عدد القطع | وحدة واحدة |
Essential Oil Type | Compound Essential Oil |
اسم العلامة التجارية | ZONGJI |
أصل | US(Origin) |
منتجات ذات صلة
الصحة و الجمال
جديد المحمولة إزالة زيت الوجه تدليك النفط امتصاص الكرة تنظيف مسام الوجه حجر بركاني صغير
2,76€ – 5,52€